Friendship Place will accept perishable food items, provided they have been properly maintained according to DHEC standards. (www.scdhec.net) Please call before bringing any perishable food items to ensure the items have been properly maintained and that we have the adequate refrigeration space for the donation.
Friendship Place will accept non-perishable food items for our hot meal program and our lunch program. Please call ahead to be sure that we are able to accommodate the donation.
Friendship Place no longer accepts clothing, furniture, kitchen supplies, and household items. If you have these items or others, please contact the local Salvation Army, Good Will, St Cyprian’s Outreach or Helping Hands to donate.
Friendship Place is a 501(c)3 charity and all donations are tax exempt to the limits that the law allows. If you would like to send a check, please make it payable to Friendship Place, Inc. and mail to:
Friendship Place Inc
P.O. Box 282
Georgetown, SC 29442
Area churches, youth groups, other non profits, and organizations provide the volunteers for the hot meal program. So check and see if a group that you are affiliated with is already helping us, or call 545-1115 and see where we can work you into some of our smaller groups. Once a date has been set, please allow for a 20-minute training session prior to beginning service. Please contact us to schedule ahead of time.
This is a collaborative effort of local non profits that help the unemployed and the underemployed get a job. After a week long Boot Camp, the participants are selected to become members of the individual non profit Job Training Programs and work one on one with the agency’s Job Coach. Visit the Events tab on home page or call our office to find out when the next Orientation Session is to find out about the program.