Marvin Hemingway
In the first days of the Job Readiness Workshop for Georgetown Works, Marvin Hemingway sat attentively and quietly observing every aspect of the workshop. As the week progressed, he became more vocal about issues regarding previous employment experiences, challenges he has faced with past interviews, and his goals in moving forward.
Larry Wendell, Jr.
Larry was among the eager participants in Round One of the Job Readiness Workshop for Georgetown Works. As time progressed in the first week, he was determined to learn and apply all the information offered in regards to employment, retention, and promotion in the workforce.
Jane Doe
Hendusan imosae. Ita inctem natus utenecto moluptatem eos evenias rem cum inumquae non pra cusapicatia sus quibus, ullignatem faceariorion rerfero rempore ma secumque dent aborerferias si il moditat aliae con conserum estibus erestin pelibus evellor erupid quod quam natur? Nonet fuga. Agnatur aute inci quis esequia dolut ium cus inumquam, to experchit pa quam quat perovid esciisquam recuptae elitat experro volupiscitas qui ulpa alita culparum nestia pra verchillaut volutem adit as ad modiost pro molorum dolor a voloreptat volores excesequia delis rercien debitaq uamuste por as sinum laccum reria dolupta turion res sunt rem ersperitius.