On May 1st Help Us in #GrowingGeorgetownCounty through Making Our Community Healthier and More Productive!
Dear Friends,
On Tuesday May 1st we will have to opportunity make our community healthier and more productive through your support of Friendship Place during the 2nd Annual Palmetto Giving Day along with 52 other non-profits participating in raising a total of $1 million for Georgetown County.
Our goal for this 1-day Giving Day is $55,000! This will further our opportunity to help us change hundreds of lives through breaking the cycle of poverty in Georgetown County.
Here is how you can help during Palmetto Giving Day:
1.) Send us your email so we can keep you posted on our efforts – email us at friendshipplace1@aol.com.
2.) Like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Instagram (@FriendshipPlaceSC).
3.) Share and comment on our Palmetto Giving Day posts
4.) Use the following hashtags when posting and sharing:
• #Breakingthecycle
• #SoaringForward
• #palmettogivingday
• #PGD2018
• #growinggeorgetowncounty
5.) And if want to give donation – awesome! Thank you! Click on the website link above. It will take you directly to our secure donation page. For every gift given Friendship Place will give us the opportunity to earn a match of $26,000 towards our total goal of $55,000!
The success of this event is through social media and on-line giving. We know that both can be daunting. We have full confidence in our on-line support through KIMBIA. But if you would like to give – but give via a check, we need to receive checks made payable to Friendship Place by April 11th.
If you have any questions, need some help in deciding how you can support this event, need help with social media or just want to chat, please contact me.
Charlie Ball