Volunteer Opportunities:
Local churches, youth groups, other non profits and organizations provide the volunteers that serve for each meal. Local business men and women help with certain aspects with job training. Other opportunities may include helping out with fundraising events. Please contact us if you are interested in any volunteer opportunities.
Job Training Program:
We need volunteers for our Job Training Program, Georgetown Works. As part of our collaboration with other non profits, Georgetown Job Connection, we help conduct a monthly academic boot camp for those who wish to get a job or get a better job. Our needs for this program are for mentors, guest speakers, and monitors for certain activities. Please call our office and ask how you can help.
Help Serve Lunch:
We need volunteers Monday through Friday to help serve our hot meals for our guests. From 10:30 – 12:30, our volunteers help set up, serve and clean up. We have some organizations assigned certain days, check out the list of groups involved to see if an organization you are affiliated with is one who is already involved. Contact them to get plugged in. If you are not connected to one of those, please call us and we will work you in to some of our smaller groups.
Make Bag Lunches:
Some of our volunteers assemble non perishable items in bags to be given out at our meal program. These include all items (drink, chip, treat, fruit, etc.) except the sandwich. If done at our facility, we set up an assembly line and bag the items and store them in containers for future use. We can also use people to come in and make the sandwiches at Friendship Place for the days we need them. Contact us if you are interested in this.